pieces of equipment tracked and managed
40+ hours
admin time saved per week
less time spent on inventory admin

The client.

The Lyra Group provide a wide range of health and safety services including training and support delivered by 150 technicians across the UK and involving 8,000-9,000 pieces of equipment.

The challenge.

Tracking, monitoring and ensuring the compliance of thousands of equipment items.

With 150 technicians delivering training and support across the UK, plus 20 head office staff, the Lyra Group have to keep track of 8,000-9,000 pieces of equipment. This includes frequent and extensive checks to ensure regulatory compliance and quality control. Monitoring this equipment and keeping accurate records was a colossal but crucial job.

The Lycra Group’s existing and standalone resource management system was struggling to cope, with no backup, no development, and no opportunity to go online. They couldn’t generate reports without manipulating massive amounts of raw data using CSV exports and the opportunities for the system to break were becoming more and more evident.

Lyra staff were spending endless time manually copying and re-entering the same information between various hand-written records, spreadsheets, and Word documents. It was cumbersome and hugely inefficient.

Refresh how
you work
Louise Grant
Group Head of Business Operations
Lyra Group

The solution.

A cloud-based resource management system with a centralised database with built-in workflow, analysis, and reporting features.

This custom-made cloud-based resource management system was designed to meet Lyra’s specific requirements. The system also includes remote access, access control, and is future-proof. CmdShiftR provided ongoing support while Lyra staff got familiar with the new system.

Louise Grant
Group Head of Business Operations
Lyra Group

The results.

40+ hours admin time saved per week equivalent to the time of at least one full-time person.

The inventory process has been transformed and has slashed time spent on laboriously re-entering, checking, and analysing data, whilst minimising the opportunities for mistakes to creep in.

Now, each piece of equipment gets a unique identifier when first logged in the system, which tracks whenever that item is used or checked.  And once a resource technician has inspected a vehicle’s kit, with just one click they can select all 400-odd kit items on a pre-populated checklist and confirm the date. This automatically generates inventory certificates for each item and the equipment lists, inventory certificates, and reports needed. The system also flags when an item’s certification is due to expire. And because all data is stored in one place, staff can instantly pull up each item’s details, history, and location.

Lyra Group staff are delighted with how much easier and faster the new system has made many daily tasks – or eliminated them entirely.

Louise Grant
Group Head of Business Operations
Lyra Group